
The Awakening: A Short Story

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To say that [Name] was nervous was an understatement. Her body was physically shaking. Her stomach churned as she faced herself in the mirror. She was impressed by her father's work. He stood behind her, hands on his shoulders and a smile on his face. She never felt so.. elegant. Usually she'd wear sweatpants and a messy bun, but this was new. [Name] looked over at the lace mask she was to wear, picked it up, and tied it on. "Hold on [Name], I gotta do my make up too. I have to impress your principal tonight." He spoke and winked. "Wait.. You're coming too, Dad?!" She asked in shock. However her father was already gone when she spoke out. The Tsutsuji stumbled to the front door too wait. Jeez, these high heels are a pain in the ass! The …show more content…

Her father beamed. "That's the look I'm going for." He spoke happily. Mr.Tsutsuji let his daughter to their car and began driving to the school. The ride there seemed forever. The Tsutsuji looked out the window, in a abyss of her mind. If Tobirama isn't Uchiwa.. Who is he? She was so deep within her thoughts, that she didn't even notice her father practically shouting at …show more content…

She took a seat at the farthest, where she agreed to meet Uchiwa. No one else was there, worrying her. She sat there, watching other people dance and have fun. While waiting, [Name] pulled out her phone and checked his text the thousandth time, to see she didn't mess up. Though she had a calm and stoic face, she was freaking out inside. Has he late? Did something happen?.. What this... a setup? She swore her heart stopped when that last question ran through her head. She didn't want to believe it. But could've this Uchiwa set her up for fun? Like Izaya? She didn't know what to think. Everyone around her was having a grand time, but she was sitting there, alone. More and more questions surged through the Tsutsuji's mind as she continued on sitting there at the table. Time passed and [Name] began feeling betrayed and used. This must have been a dumb prank. Her heart sank. She couldn't even believe she let herself feel this way. More shockingly, she began to feel the wet tears slowly pour down her face. However the girl fixed them so she wouldn't ruin the makeup her father spended a long time doing. She wanted to leave. Before she could stand, she heard a soft

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