
The Awakening Dialectical Journal

Decent Essays

Summer Reading: The Awakening
1. Kate Chopin’s aspiration to deliver The Awakening was to convey to the early 20th century public her position of women’s roles, rights, and independence in a time of strict gender roles. Chopin conveys to readers the oppression of women during her time. Edna Pontellier is Chopin’s protagonist in the novel, and she finds herself unhappy and contempt of her role as a republican mother, which characterizes the idea of women’s work, and Edna identifies indirectly with the women at the Seneca Falls convention. Throughout the book Edna’s husband, Leónce Pontellier, continually scolds her for not being an attentive and loving mother and Edna compares herself with Madame Ratignolle, who is the epitome of motherhood …show more content…

The author’s tone can be found through the main protagonist’s diction and language. Edna speaks in a disapproving and saddened tone throughout the book when describing women’s roles in society. When Edna is asked by her husband to join him in celebrating her sister’s marriage she uses gloomy and a disapproving tone: “She won’t go to the marriage. She says a wedding is one of the most lamentable spectacles on earth.” This quote adds to the disapproving tone of the novel as Edna addresses her feelings about marriage to her own husband. The author also has her way of displaying her tone. The narrator discusses Edna’s feelings to the readers in the same saddened tone: "She could not have told why she was crying. Such experiences as the foregoing were not uncommon in her married life. They seemed never before to have weighed much against the abundance of her husband's kindness and a uniform devotion which had become tacit and self-understood." The narrator expresses Edna’s feelings by saying it in a sort of understanding and favorable way and not in a complaining way. This is an example of Chopin’s tone because Edna’s feelings about her husband is disapproving and she is starting to find her independence as a woman.
3. The theme of The Awakening is centered on Edna’s journey of individual identification and independence. Chopin condemns gender roles and pleads to the public to look at women as equals and not just commodities to be married off. Women should have all the

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