2. Describe the background of Christopher Columbus. 150 Words
Cristoforo Colombo or commonly known today as, Christopher Columbus, was a navigator, sailor, and a coloniser who was inspired by other sailors books such as, Livres des merveilles du monde (Book of the Marvels of the world), published by Marco Polo. He was thought to be born on 31st October 1451 in Genoa, Republic of Genoa, but historians haven’t actually confirmed this to be true. He was the son of two wool weavers named Domenico Colombo and Susanna Fontanarossa. He was also the husband of Filipa Moniz Perestrello. He was famous for accidently finding, then colonising The New World which is commonly known today as America. It’s commonly thought that he was the first person to discover America but America was discovered by Lief Erikson, a Viking of a few centuries prior to Columbus’s time. Christopher Columbus passed away from gout in 1506.
3. Achievements of Christopher Columbus. 330 Words
3.1. Finding and Colonising the New World.
Columbus’s first journey was sponsored by King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella I, the Catholic Monarchs of Aragon, Castile, and Leon in Spain. The funding was used to give Columbus crew members and the money to afford three ships called the Niña, Pinta, and Santa María. Columbus and his crew then sailed west in hopes to find a new route to lucrative Chinese trade markets or a new Silk Road.
After two months (October 12 1492) of sailing, a sailor named Rodrigo de Triana spotted land.
Christopher Columbus is a very well known explorer, especially to Americans. His accidental discovery of the Americas in 1492 led to his achievement of the Three G’s: God, Glory, and Gold. Columbus set sail with the sponsorship of Queen Elizabeth and King Ferdinand of Spain, with the mission to bring wealth to Spain by discovering a simple and easy route to Asia. However, unknowingly he had arrived in the Americas and since he still actually believed he was in Asia he named the Native Americans that he saw, Indies. Columbus’s discovery was a major turning point because the economy dramatically changed as the discovery led to the Columbian Exchange.
Christopher Columbus is an explorer from Genoa Italy. He began his work when he was a teenager working on merchant ships until 1470. This ship would be attacked while sailing along the portuguese coast, but Columbus survived as he floated to shore in Lisbon. When he was here, he began to study mathematics and navigation and began to plan his most renowned voyage. The reason for his voyage was to find a direct route from Europe to Asia which had not been done before. Originally Columbus did not receive a lot of support for his trip because most felt that his estimation of how large the earth is was faulty. In fact, he was turned down for funds by the Kings of Portugal, France, and England, and 1486 when King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella rejected funding his trip twice. It wasn't until 1491 that he finally received assistance and funding for his expedition from Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile. Columbus's voyage started on August 3, 1492 where he and his crew set sail for Asia. Although he did not find a direct route to Asia he did land on a Bahamian island, and began centuries of transatlantic conquest and colonization. A key part of his expedition that isn't very known is that Spanish monarchs funded his trip even though he was from a foreign country. There are many reason why these Spanish monarchs were interested in hiring a foreign explorer for such an important mission but he main three are riches, religion, and trading.
Columbus was given three ships the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa maria. in the year 1492 Columbus set out on his journey. Columbus first landed in the Caribbean but what he did not know was that it was
This history of Mistreatment can be traced as far back as 1492 to Christopher Columbus. The true importance and history of Christopher Columbus is highly debated and is often misconstrued by the bias of textbooks writers. As students, most of us were taught the rhyme “in 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue”. Columbus was portrayed as one of the first American hero’s in our classrooms without question. Many of us can clearly recall Columbus Day celebrations in which students made arts and craft and sang songs about this hero by the name of Christopher Columbus. There is a much darker side to Columbuses exploration of the Americas that textbooks and teachers tend to leave out or fill with twisted recollection of events with rosy retrospection
Columbus was both a navigator and explorer, born in Genoa, Italy in 1451. He grew up as the son of a middle class weaver and as a teenager he first took an interest in seafaring life. As a young boy, he attended trading voyages between the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas. His first expedition to the Atlantic Ocean in 1476 was almost fatal. French privateers attacked the commercial fleet Columbus was traveling with and his ship burned down, leaving him to swim for his life. He washed up on a Portuguese shore and found his way to Lisbon. He furnished himself a niche there but eventually moved to Spain. He started his journies to gain information about the Atlantic currents and continued to seek faster trade routes across world
Christopher Columbus is an internationally celebrated explorer, due to his voyages to Central America during the Age of Discovery, a period between 15th and 16th centuries where explorers would be supported by countries to claim land. Columbus was an Italian explorer, on a conquest for gold and riches, who was sponsored by the monarchs of Spain, Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile, to travel to Southern Asia. Columbus proposed the idea of traveling from East to West, rather than traveling along the borders of countries and continents, such as Africa and Asia, to Eastern countries for gold, spices, and other riches. When Columbus succeeded in making land fall, he thought he landed in Southern Asia, but rather he landed in
Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer who is famous for rediscovering America. Hoping to find a better trade route to India, he sailed across the Atlantic from Spain to find the New World. His voyages have become famous tales of the American culture, and had a massive impact on future events of history that have affected modern society.
On Aug. 3, 1492, Columbus sailed from Palos, Spain, with three small ships, the Santa María, commanded by Columbus himself, the Pinta under Martín Pinzon, and the Nina under Vicente Yanez Pinzon. After stopping at the Canary Islands, he sailed due west from Sept. 6 until Oct. 7, when he changed his course to the southwest. On Oct. 10 a small rebellion was quelled, and on Oct. 12 he landed on a small island in the Bahamas. He took possessions for Spain and brought natives aboard, discovered other
Who really was Christopher Columbus? Most people commonly believe he was a hero for being the first to discover the Americas for Spain, but many people didn’t realize that Columbus murdered, tortured, mutilated and enslaved American natives and destroyed the environment in his search for fame and fortune. Against what many of us believed, Columbus wasn’t even the first sailor to discover the new world. Leif Eriksson was a Norse explorer that joined a group of sailors who departed from Europe 500 years before Columbus. They are said to have been the first European sailors to ever make it to America.
Finally, Columbus and his men found land between October 11-12, 1492 (Columbus, Journal, paragraph 27-29). While they believed that the land they found was the new continent they were in search for, they were wrong. Once on the island Columbus observed the
Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy in 1451 as the son of a merchant, most likely into a Christian household. As a teenager, he worked on a merchant ship and gained experience in trading voyages in the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas. He continued similar jobs at sea until his first voyage into the Atlantic Ocean in 1470, when the French attacked his ship along the Portuguese Coast. Despite his sunken ship, Columbus floated to Lisbon, where he married Felipa Perestrello and had a son. At this time, he also began studies in mathematics, astronomy, and navigation, thus inspiring him to begin formulating his world changing plan. After the death of his wife, he moved to Spain, remarried and had another son. Meanwhile, he
Have you ever wondered how the land you live on was discovered? Explorers have wandered the face of the Earth since the beginning of time, claiming their territories, deepening their roots, expanding their borders, and securing their land. Humans have explored the most distant parts of the world and are still discovering new territories as we explore our universe and space. The desire to discover is rooted in all of us whether it is for fame, fortunes, or for satisfying curiosity. As a result, great explorers have discovered and destroyed cultures, civilizations, and they have introduced opportunities and new ideas. Many explorers share certain traits and characteristics that make them successful, such as the ability to persevere,
Faye Pinard Mr. Parry Honors English 2 28 February 2024 Lady Macbeth Is A Bully Bullies almost always get what they want, primarily because they are so manipulative. They get inside one’s head by continuously putting them down about perceived weaknesses, and by the end of the bullying, the target’s self-confidence is gone. There are many bullies in the real world and in the fictional world, such as William Shakespeare’s Macbeth. There, the supernatural give Macbeth a prophecy that he will be King of Scotland, and pressured by Lady Macbeth, he kills King Duncan and becomes king, but is wrecked with paranoia as he kills more people. A civil war is on his heels, threatening to remove Macbeth from the throne, resulting in more deaths.
The Great Fire of London The Great Fire of London was an enormous fire that burned down almost all of London. It started on September 2, 1666, as a small fire erupted on Pudding Lane the city of London would not know the suffering they were about to endure (Jokinen 1). One of many buildings the fire burnt down was the world renowned Globe Theatre. The Great Fire of London affected many people, property, and famous architecture that would pave the way for a new ruler of England.
In the novel Sleepy Hollow, by Peter Lerangis, several elements of the Romantic period of literature are evident. Themes carry throughout the novel that suggest a strong Romantic influence upon the text. The story is rich in colorful figurative language and contains a spell-binding plot that leaves the reader feeling very satisfied. In the midst of such an enchanting story are the Romantic themes, such as a deep appreciation of nature in conjunction with the condemnation of city life, exaltation of emotion over reason along with the defiance of conventional rules and traditions, and interest in local folk/ethnic culture, while providing the reader with plenty of attention to the supernatural. Each of these elements combines to create a