
The Basic Parts That Make Up A Computer

Better Essays

Lawson City
Since you are looking to upgrade or purchase a new set of computers, I would like to discuss the basic parts that make up a computer. It is important for everyone to have a basic understanding of what makes a computer. As technology advances, it’s important that you be able to make an educated decision on whether to upgrade or to replace your current systems. The difference can be a good deal of your hard earned money. Therefore, I will be detailing the Operating System, Processor, Memory, RAM, and a few other things that will help you make good decisions when purchasing new machines.
Let’s start with the Operating System. Chris Woodford describes the operating system as “the core software in a computer that (essentially) …show more content…

These computers date back to DOS, and Windows NT. Now we have multicore Processors, which allow us to run two or more tasks at the same time. Of course now days, you can surf the internet, write a word document, while listening to your favorite playlist on iTunes. We have come a really long way.
The next thing we will discuss is Memory. Your hard drive allows you to store all the applications, programs, pictures, and any other data that you might like to save on your machine. Hard drives now come in many different sizes depending on your needs. They range from 100 GB to 3.9 Terabytes. The average home computer has 500 GB of memory. We also have Solid State Drives which are said to be more reliable because there is no spinning mechanism to worry about possibly failing.
Now we must discuss the RAM (Random Access Memory). Even though this is wiped clean every time you shut down your computer, your random access memory stores the location of that data. Because of this, the CPU doesn’t need to go back out to the address bus and find the data’s location on your hard drive. It’s like going to the library. If you need to know the definition of a word, you don’t need to get up repeatedly, walk over to the shelf with the dictionary and open it to the corresponding page. Instead you can just take the dictionary off of the shelf and keep it at the table until you are done. Your RAM does the exact same thing, thus speeding up the process.
Now, I

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