
The Bear's Adaptation From The Devil And His Grandmother

Decent Essays

The Bear and his Grandmother adaptation from The Devil and his Grandmother

I ran sweat dripping down my face. I could feel my legs burning. I looked behind me, my brother and sister were far behind. “Come on Lucy! Get Chester!” I screamed. I was running so fast that I could barely see me brother and sister. I ran behind a bush and they followed me. “I see a hunter.” whimpered Lucy. Chester’s bushy red tail was hitting me in the face so I was not able to see anyone. My gold eyes darting back and forth trying to find the hunter. “Come on Alfred let's go back to Stuttgart.” said a voice in front of me. “NO! I need that fox!” shouted Alfred. I started to back up slowly and I hit a tree. I did not hear the men go away so I started to panic. …show more content…

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After a long 5 months Max came up to me.
“You and your siblings are mine forever unless you can answer a riddle.” “What is the riddle?” “My shallow hills are the faces of kings My horizon is always near My music sends men to the grave My absence sends men to work.
What am I?” “I’m not sure…” “You have until tomorrow at 3pm.” . . . That night I told Lucy and Chester what had happened that afternoon. I walked toward Lucy and curled up by …show more content…

My ears perked up. “ Really?” I questioned. I had to get close to him so I could hear him. “Yes she lives down there.” he pointed toward a small house almost engulfed in trees. “Will one of you come with me?” I wondered, both of there shook their head. I put down my head. I slowly started to walk, I turned my head and went on to find this woman. . . . After 30 minutes of running to the house I finally reached it. I stood on my hind legs and rung the doorbell. The door slowly crept open and there stood a bear but not just any bear this bear was a midnight color. “How may I help you?” asked the bear. “Well, another bear named Max said if I don’t answer a riddle correctly then me and my sibling will have to sever him for the rest of our lives.” I answered. “Well that sound like him….. well why don’t you come in.” she replied. I walked in and her house was amazing! I found a seat in the dining room. She came and sat by me and I told her everything that had happened. “I have an idea, I’m going to hide you behind the couch and call for my grandson then, I will ask him the answer and then you will know,OK?” she

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