
The Beauty Of Nature In Thororeeau's Personal Experiment By Henry David Thoreau

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Nature is the most important and essential part of life for every living thing from plants to animals to humans. Nature is the natural environment in which it surrounds us, cares for us and nourishes us at every moment of our lives. Nature has been a part of the Earth and life since the beginning of time. Every form of nature is very powerful which has the ability to nourish, but as well as destroy us. Although nature has been adapted into our daily lives, it isn’t something anyone ever really cares about. Many people have taken nature for granted and have never really took the time to understand what nature is really all about, which is why many poets and authors took their time to write about the beauty of nature and what it is really all about. One author who took his time to understand about what nature is really all about and lived within nature for two years, is a man known as Henry David Thoreau. As time passes, Thoreau felt a need to be a part of nature and understand what it truly means. As he begins his “personal experiment”, Thoreau writes a famous story known as “Walden”. This story was documented from when Thoreau first moved to a land owned by Emerson and built a cabin by the Walden Pond. From there on out, Thoreau tried living essentially throughout nature and studied while being there for more over two years. Through the use of imagery, simile, and aphorism, Thoreau reveals that the values of nature is that everyone should enjoy their life and accomplish as

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