
The Benefits And Complications Of Globalization And Knowledge Management

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Globalization and Knowledge Management Introduction The virtualization of the business world has lead to a globalization of work and knowledge, allowing companies to have associates with needed skill sets around the world. That ability empowers companies to compete for talent well outside of their geographic constraints, and has an important impact of workers lives as well. It is important to explore how virtualization has impacted learning and business, the sharing of knowledge, and how this medium has affected the world of business and the associated education. Literature Review The concept of virtualization is not new, nor is there minimal research on the subject. There is a plethora of research available for review along with a great amount of knowledge on the effect that virtualization has on knowledge sharing, globalization, and it’s effect up on businesses. Many say that issues such as time zoning, language, and other variables can increase the challenges on employees and company’s alike, but, there are also positives to this. In a study of over 590 people, Nurmi and Hinds (2016) various benefits to globalization for both corporations and their employees. Though there are many negative aspects of globalization, they are met with a greater number of positive outcomes as well. Benefits include, but are not limited to skill variety, thought diversity, and experience with more situations (Nurmi & Hinds, 2016). Another advantage is the reduction of social reward

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