
The Benefits Of College Education

Better Essays

Annie Shahbazyan
Ms. Perkins
September 1, 2017 There are many choices and paths to choose when the time comes to attend college however, a question to ask is, is it worth it? If decided to attend college, the following decision to be made revolves around an area of study one would like to pursue and the topic of study that will be available for them. Though many can further their education in different ways, a couple of ways consist of attending a four year college (private/ public) or a community college. Not going to college at all is the other alternative, but is it really a smart idea? Most adults have continuously told young students all through high school to attend college. A student’s chance of economic success in the future can be risen due to a college education. Judith Scott-Clayton, who is an assistant professor of economics and education at Teachers College at Columbia University states, “Individuals with bachelor’s degrees earn about 60 percent more than those with just a high school diploma, who in turn earn about 40 percent more than high school dropouts.” Students who seek higher education, are more likely to experience a better future and a better life. The cost of going to college may seem overwhelming at times however, the experiences and education obtained throughout college is priceless in regards to the way one interacts with others on a global basis, has a stronger job stability, and has better employment benefits.
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