
The Benefits Of Copyright Aditations And Consequences On Soundclours

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A major concern is that Congress has not clarified laws surrounding the issue of remixes and this is leaving artists and content creators unsure of what is legal, even with the increase in artists sampling to creatively make new music. According to Gabe Levin, a new media lawyer and Buzzfeed contributor, “In spite of these concerns, the number of independent artists publishing remixes does not appear to be diminishing anytime soon — in fact, general interest in remixing and mash-ups appears to be on the rise, if Google Trends is to be believed” (Levin). Due to this, it is necessary for Congress to update laws regarding Copyright infringement in order to allow artists to succeed in creating new independent music.
Many people are now …show more content…

on your behalf. Trying to think of one more thing I could add to end this paragraph. I think it is good - maybe something about how this is confusing because of different rules from different sites?
According to Brett Snider, to legally remix a song from copyrighted music, there are several important steps to follow. First, you must buy a copy of the song as pirated music is still illegal despite how easily it is to obtain. Secondly, you must Obtain permission from all the copyright holders and thirdly, make a record of permission. “Even if it's just an email, you need some sort of written record that the copyright holder has allowed you to make a remix of his or her song, “he writes.
As Brett Snider states, “Amateurs who want to just mix songs at home for their own personal use aren't likely to run into trouble if they fail to obtain permission, unless there's money involved.” According to current laws, even if a DJ has permission to create a remix, that DJ can’t legally play the mix in a club without the performance rights. Luckily though, for most DJs, the responsibility for paying the performance royalties typically falls with the venue owner. In addition, the performance of the remixed music may be covered by fair use.

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