
The Benefits Of Driverless Cars

Decent Essays

Driving is a part of mostly everyone’s day to day lifestyles. When you think about it, driving is something that most people take very seriously however, there are some people that don’t take it very seriously. Driverless cars would be a nice investment for people who are extremely busy, so they could maybe finish their work while traveling. Driverless cars however, would not be a very good investment in my opinion for so many reasons. Having a driverless car would mean that you had no control over what happened to the car which is highly dangerous because it is just a big machine, and machines malfunction very often. Driverless cars would also take away so many jobs for people that could really need them, causing people to be left without a home, food, clothes, etc. In my opinion driverless cars are stupid and I do not agree with them. In this essay we will look at perspective one, two, and three to see what people have to say about driverless cars. First, we will look at perspective one. Perspective one states that driverless cars are an amazing idea and they will save countless lives, protect the environment, and allow more transportation options for the poor. It also states that the benefits of driverless cars will vastly outweigh any short-term drawbacks. I don’t fully agree with this. I believe that driverless cars are not a completely amazing idea, they could save many lives but they could also endanger many, and I do not believe that they will allow more

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