
The Benefits Of Marijuana Legalization

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Marijuana is not a lethal drug like most people think. Marijuana should be legalized for many reasons. It would bring many benefits to the people and the economy.Marijuana being legalized would bring more money to the government, be used for many medical purposes, have more manufacturing uses, and prove that it is a less harmful drug than the others. Marijuana being legalized would give the government much more money. There has been one trillion dollars spent in prosecutions due to marijuana (The Top 10 Reasons to Vote Yes on Marijuana Legalization). Four states have legalized marijuana and in the first year they earned seventy million dollars, last year they reaped two hundred million in tax revenue (The Top 10 Reasons to Vote Yes on Marijuana Legalization). Marijuana could be taxed in different ways, such as, weight, value, or potency (Caulkins 116). There would be much less population in prisons, saving money on the costs for food in prison. There has been eight point seven billion spent just to attempt to prevent marijuana (The Top 10 Reasons to Vote Yes on Marijuana Legalization). If all fifty states legalize there is an expected three billion dollars to be saved in expenses (Top 10 Reasons to Legalize Marijuana). Within the United States marijuana can be sold anywhere between two hundred and five hundred dollars per pound. There is an increased rate of about four hundred dollars per every thousand miles away from the Mexican border (Top 10 Reasons to Legalize

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