
Marijuana The Miracle Research Paper

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Marijuana the Miracle Marijuana is a natural herb that comes from a plant. It only becomes a drug when people smoke it or orally consume it for hallucinogenic purposes. There has been a lot of controversy surrounding the legalization of marijuana with some states wanting to legalize it and others wanting to keep it illegal. However, some states have already legalized it and the effects could be considered positive. Therefore, the united states should legalize marijuana because it would be a source of income for our economy, would decrease crime rates involving marijuana and it would decrease the drug trafficking of it. Marijuana can be a new source of income which would only positively influence the economy. As a legal product there …show more content…

With proposition 64 police will shift focus therefore eliminating many targets that involve marijuana. For instance CBS Sacramento describes that, “people for marijuana legalization will ease pressure for police and make resources available for other things,” (2016). This proves that marijuana will not be a focus and will obviously be treated as a normal substance. Also Roberts informs the readers that, “By removing criminal penalties for certain marijuana-related offenses, thousands of individuals will avoid the collateral consequences associated with a criminal record,” (Roberts, 2014). The prison system will also receive a little ease of pressure not wasting taxpayer money or time on stupid charges. Hence, for crime rates to decrease marijuana would have to be …show more content…

People against proposition 64 that it is unhealthy for people to smoke also causing more damage to the Earth’s atmosphere. This is actually incorrect because weed has positive effects on human health and the smoke produced is not damaging. Marijuana is actually widely used in the medical field for having some beneficial healing actors. As an example, some cancer patients use weed to help with their side effects and most of the time it actually works. Now smoking weed produces carbon dioxide, however the carbon dioxide produced is not enough to affect the atmosphere. The amount of carbon dioxide produced is the same as the amount of broccoli when produced. It has no negative effects on health or on the

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