Marijuana the Miracle Marijuana is a natural herb that comes from a plant. It only becomes a drug when people smoke it or orally consume it for hallucinogenic purposes. There has been a lot of controversy surrounding the legalization of marijuana with some states wanting to legalize it and others wanting to keep it illegal. However, some states have already legalized it and the effects could be considered positive. Therefore, the united states should legalize marijuana because it would be a source of income for our economy, would decrease crime rates involving marijuana and it would decrease the drug trafficking of it. Marijuana can be a new source of income which would only positively influence the economy. As a legal product there …show more content…
With proposition 64 police will shift focus therefore eliminating many targets that involve marijuana. For instance CBS Sacramento describes that, “people for marijuana legalization will ease pressure for police and make resources available for other things,” (2016). This proves that marijuana will not be a focus and will obviously be treated as a normal substance. Also Roberts informs the readers that, “By removing criminal penalties for certain marijuana-related offenses, thousands of individuals will avoid the collateral consequences associated with a criminal record,” (Roberts, 2014). The prison system will also receive a little ease of pressure not wasting taxpayer money or time on stupid charges. Hence, for crime rates to decrease marijuana would have to be …show more content…
People against proposition 64 that it is unhealthy for people to smoke also causing more damage to the Earth’s atmosphere. This is actually incorrect because weed has positive effects on human health and the smoke produced is not damaging. Marijuana is actually widely used in the medical field for having some beneficial healing actors. As an example, some cancer patients use weed to help with their side effects and most of the time it actually works. Now smoking weed produces carbon dioxide, however the carbon dioxide produced is not enough to affect the atmosphere. The amount of carbon dioxide produced is the same as the amount of broccoli when produced. It has no negative effects on health or on the
In the end of 2016, 56% of Californians voted to approve Proposition 64, which legalizes the recreational use of marijuana in the state (The Times Editorial Board, 2017). The new Proposition passed with 56% of the popular vote. The Control, Regulate and Tax Adult Use of Marijuana, Proposition 64’s full name, gives permission to those over 21 to acquire marijuana for personal use and cultivate up to six plants in private residences (Fuller, 2016). Following the steps of states such as Colorado and the District of Columbia, California’s new measure would regulate and tax marijuana in all levels: cultivation, use, distribution, and sale. Also, according to the Act’s own wording, by regulating and licensing the weed industry, one would prevent
Having marijuana legalized would bring out a whole new smell to California neighborhoods. Proposition 64 allows the legalization of recreational use of marijuana to adults 21 and over, while changing the criminal penalty with marijuana related crimes. A problem happened before with proposition 19 in 2010 where many opposed the “Regulate, Control & Tax Cannabis Act.” The times have changed with the idea of marijuana being a “gateway drug” and the majority now are supporting for proposition 64 to pass.
Both will legalize the sale, possession, and private cultivation of marijuana got personal use, while the tax act aims to put money in state coffers by putting a levy on the sale of cannabis hemp products.” California is the lead pursuer for the new ballot. “California would levy taxes that state board says could raise $1.3 billion or more a year for the deficit-plagued state, while saving tens of millions in prison and law enforcement costs. Sponsors of the ballot issue have tuned in 690,161 signatures on petitions for verification, far more than the 433,971 valid required to get on the ballot.” “Even the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime, in its latest World Drug Report, says people should not be incarcerated for simple possession of drugs. The report comes close to endorsing the ‘creative approach’ where possession for personal use triggers administrative penalties instead of criminal prosecution.” Millions of Americans, who smoke marijuana with little negative impact on society, are threatened by a climate where the penalties for engaging in marijuana use are too severe. “The new ballot measure would allow anyone over 21 to buy, possess, se or cultivate marijuana. It would bar personal possession of more than one ounce as well as smoking the drug in public or around minors; [ultimately a step in the right direction]” (McKinley).
If we assume that the sales tax is at only eight percent, the California treasury will be one billion and two hundred million dollars richer every year! That amount of money is sufficient enough to build thousands of schools, fixing roods providing local services and even more than enough to fight any shortcoming of misusing marijuana. The only way to acquire marijuana in most of the United States, Is by buying it from an unauthorized outlet in the black market, where you can not verify how it was made or even if it was mixed with deadly toxins, legalizing marijuana will make it a highly regulated industry, where every part of the process, from making it to selling it will be
The proposition known as Prop 64 is the California Marijuana Legalization Initiative. This proposition was on the ballot November 8th, 2016 and supporters have also referred this initiative as the Adult Use of Marijuana Act. In which has been approved. Those who have voted yes supported legalizing marijuana usage for recreational purposes for those who are aged 21 years or older. This measure has created two taxes, one for cultivation and the other on retail prices. The money from the taxes will go to drug research, enforcements, youth programs, health and safety grants addressing marijuana, and preventing damage to the environment resulting from illegal marijuana production. Proposition 64 legalized permitting smoking marijuana in a private home, or at a business that has been licensed for on-site marijuana consumption. Although smoking while driving, in all public places, and anywhere smoking tobacco is, has remained illegal. Along with, possession on school grounds, daycare center, or youth center where children are present. For businesses to sell marijuana for recreational use, they need to have a state license and are not authorized to sell within 600 feet of a school, daycare, or youth center. In order to regulate this, the Bureau of Marijuana Control (BMC) are responsible to regulate and licensing marijuana businesses. ("California Proposition 64, Marijuana Legalization (2016) - Ballotpedia." Ballotpedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2016.)
The first reason as to why I believe marijuana should be legalized is the benefits of our mood and activities it provides us with. Many of us just see marijuana as a drug and believe that it can cause many mental and physical health related problems, but have these
The legalization of marijuana does not only benefit the people who need or want marijuana, but it can also help increase the country’s economy. The main reason why they’re
At the beginning of the November, with the ending election for the next president of the United States, the California marijuana legalization initiative which is also called “California proposition 63” was approved at the the same time. Combined with the proposition 215 passed in 1996, the ballot’s consequences announced that not only the medical marijuana is legal in California, but also the recreational use of it for people over 21 years old is authorized. According to the content, Californian are free to possess up to 28.5 grams marijuana and permitted to smoke it in their private house or other business licensed places, they can even grow six marijuana plants in their own backyard as long as others won’t see it. It has been a long timely
Despite how certain individuals might feel about the changes that are set to take place, marijuana is not going anywhere. Also identified as pot, weed, or cannabis, marijuana plays a substantial part in California’s culture and business revenue. The usage of weed has been handed a ruthless reputation since the great depression. In those times, marijuana usage came to be primarily linked as the cause of violence, crime and all sorts of deviant behaviors, which led to the laws on marijuana. Although now, people are starting to shift their outlook drastically due to misleading assumptions towards marijuana usage. There are numerous people with illnesses that smoke marijuana due to its benefits of relieving pain. At one point in time, marijuana
Cannabis is not a drug, Marijuana should be legalize because many people use it for different reason and it shouldn 't matter to the government on how people use this substance. Cannabis is less harmful than alcohol and cigarettes, prohibition diverts critical law enforcement resources from violent and property crime, and marijuana benefits many people that has medical problem like glaucoma, cancer and epilepsy.
Marijuana is a drug that is spreading all around the world and is now proven to be one of the most beneficial drug out there. United State should legalized marijuana because it would help with the economy growth, decrease crime rate and useful for medicine.
Marijuana should be legalized, for it’s many uses and purposes. Marijuana was enacted in Jamestown Colony, Virginia in 1619. The government made it mandatory for the Farmers to grow hemp plants to make rope, lighting oil, medicine paper, fiber, clothing etc. “It just happened to be one of the largest agricultural crop in the world” (the union: business behind getting high). It was the number one thing selling but after the Civil War, but then there were imports replacing hemp products. In 1996 “Californians passed a proposition 215 to allow the medical use of marijuana”( 23 states, the District of Columbia and Guam now have legalized marijuana. To this day president obama is saying that although marijuana is illegal, cops should not enforce marijuana cases.
In conclusion, I strongly believe marijuana should be legalized. It helps with medical issues, brings in a lot of money to the government, and there is a low percentage of deaths through marijuana usage. Before people judge the idea of marijuana being legal, I think they should look at the situation from different points of
Just like any other topic, marijuana also comes with its good deeds from being legalized. John W. Hickenlooper states that “preventing revenue from the sales of marijuana from going to criminal enterprises, gangs, and cartels” (245). There will be less violence on the streets from those selling, less drug trafficking from the cartel and less charges. Unbelievably research shows that the federal government would save more money if marijuana was legal. “If pot was legalized nationwide, with a tax on every sale designated for treatment, it would free up the police to get at serious crimes” (n.pag.). Marijuana would better the efficiency in criminal justice and law enforcement, so that way they will have more money and time to chase real criminals. Marijuana would lower incarceration rates and costs. Legalizing marijuana will almost certainly reduce the number of people who have been
Legalizing and regulating marijuana will bring one of the nation's largest cash crops under the rule of law. This will create jobs and economic opportunities in the formal economy instead of the illicit market.