
The Benefits Of Planned Parenthood

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Planned Parenthood is a non-profit organization designed to keep the people of the world healthy. It offers various different health care benefits to people of all genders and sexualties. Without Planned Parenthood the people of America, rich and poor, would be at a disadvantage to the rest of the world. America would not have an organization dedicating its time to keep those wanted to start a family, and those who don’t, healthy. Planned Parenthood can not be defunded because it offers various health benefits, helps both men and women, and lowers the amount of teen births. Planned Parenthood has a name with a negative connotation to many. The people of America tend to believe that Planned Parenthood only provides abortions, and uses the government's money to do so. This is not the case. Planned Parenthood actually has not been able to use government funding for abortions since 1976 due to the Hyde Amendment (Zernike 1). In fact, “Only 3 percent of its health care services are for abortions; the federal government provides no reimbursement for those services (Colker 2).” This shows how much more Planned Parenthood offers than abortion, and how little defunding Planned Parenthood would affect the case against abortion. Included in the other 97 percent of healthcare provided by Planned Parenthood is contraceptives and screenings for diabetes, hypertension, and cancer (Colker 2). Therefore, Planned Parenthood should not be defunded because it offers potentially lifesaving

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