
The Benefits Of Pretrial Diversion By Jerome D. Taylor IIi

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Benefits of Pretrial Diversion
Jerome D. Taylor III
Western Kentucky University

There are many benefits for jail diversionary programs in the state of Kentucky. Nonviolent offenders, family members, judicial systems, and the jails can benefit from keeping these people out of jail and in society.

I was surprised to find, during my research very few negatives to these programs around the country.

Key Words Incarceration: Confinement in a jail or prison.
Pre trial diversion: Diverting a defendant out of the criminal justice system.

Benefits of Pretrial Diversion

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Struggles of local jails Overcrowding of jails……………………………………………………..p.4 Jail closings……………………………………………………………….p.4 Federal and state regulations……………………………………………...p.4

Chapter 2: Overburdened judicial system Increasing court dockets………………………………………………...p.4 Budget cuts………………………………………………………………p.4 Decreasing court caseload……………………………………………….p.4

Chapter 3: Incarceration and the family Financial burden………………………………………………………...p.6 Children with incarcerated parents…...……………………...………….p.7 Spouse with incarcerated spouse………………………………...………p.7

Chapter 4: Pros and cons of diversionary programs Mental aspects of incarceration…………………………………………p.7 Avoid jail time…………………………………………………………..p.7 No criminal record……………………………………………………....p.7

Benefits of Pretrial

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