
The Between Ghg And Gdp By Conducting A Linear Regression

Decent Essays

As Earth 's population continues its rapid growth, natural resources will become increasingly strained. Conservative estimates predict the 2015 population of roughly 7 billion will increase to 11.2 billion by 2100, with undeveloped countries becoming increasingly developed (UN 2015). Historically, gross domestic product (GDP) has been used as a measure of development and has been positively correlated with greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (IPCCC 2014). If this correlation holds true in the future development will further increase GHG emissions that contribute to climate change, which will add more pressure to an already strained natural resource supply. This paper attempts to quantify and simplify the perceived relationship between GHG emissions and GDP by conducting a linear regression. The correlation could be used to predict when GHG levels may reach destructive levels defined by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) under a business as usual approach with perceived growth in developing countries. A positive linear correlation was found between the natural logs of GDP as the independent variable and GHG emissions as the dependent variable, with every 1% increase in GPD being associated with a 0.79 % increase in GHG emissions.
Climate change historically referred to natural cycles of warming and cooling of the Earth, which has been associated with atmospheric GHG concentrations and various other factors (Schneider 2005). This is due to GHG’s

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