
The Between Mind And Body

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There is no real answer for the question about if mind and body are the same or different, a person is made of mind and body and the both have different characteristics. Rene Descartes asked the question what am I. he gives and answer to the question by saying he is a thinking thig, if the body and mind are different from one other, mind can also continue with no body because it is not import for what he is. Moreover body is breakable and extender and mind is not breakable and non-extended, that is a reason they are different in nature.

Rene Descartes settled the metaphysical differences between the body and mind, but he also have to think about the relationship between mind and body. Mind and body are two different substances with many properties. Moreover the mind and body communicate, its and everyday experience, the actions that we do every day is from our thoughts. The relationship between the body and mind is much more close and special, it cannot be regenerated with any other physical substances. When anywhere in the body is wounded we feel pain and tries to not get injured again. Desires and thoughts have a connection with how the body behaves but the mind is able to take control of the body
Descartes assumes that if it is possible to conceive of one thing without the other, then those two things are not identical. The self is not a body, it’s not a physical thing without a body. He also argues that we can conceive of ourselves as existing. Thinking is

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