
The Bible In The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe

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Good morning Mrs Prisk and class, Sacred texts which form the cornerstone of religion, instilling law, character and spirituality in its people are often depicted in contemporary expressions such as art, poetry and film. A prime example is the film The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe which demonstrates Christian parallels with Luke’s gospel. The contemporary expression, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and the Gospel of Luke share similar central messages of self-sacrifice, forgiveness and mercy whilst they have diverging genre and forms and textual purposes. The similar, overarching central messages in both texts are about the ability to compassionately self-sacrifice yourself and forgive those who have committed treachery or sin. Aslan, the noble, golden lion, the king of Narnia, is seen as a literary Christ figure in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. He humanely chooses to forfeit his life for Edmund’s sin and betrayal and miraculously resurrects after death which corresponds to Jesus’ death and bodily resurrection for the sins of mankind. Sinful beings were forgiven and saved in both texts even though the sacrifices were performed differently, Jesus was crucified and Aslan was instead tied, beaten, shaved and executed by the White Witch with a stone knife. Aslan’s sacrifice and restoration to life saved Edmund, destroyed the power of deep magic over Narnia, banished the eternal age of winter, redeemed the world from evil and essentially saved all Narnians.

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