
The Black Cat Written Response Essay

Decent Essays

Unit 2 Written Response: Fiction/Short Stories

When the narrator in "The Black Cat" killed his wife, he thought of several ways to hide it. He shot down several ideas, but decided to place her in the cellar walls. All he had to do was build a small piece, board it up, and go on with his sad life. Once the deed was done, he went home and slept peacefully. A few days had passed and the police had begun investigating the missing woman, starting with her husband. They had asked him to come with them to the cellar, and during the entire search he didn't move a muscle. Just as the police were leaving, he called them back. He pointed out how nicely built the walls were, and as he hit his cane on the wall, the black cat responded with a loud howl. If the narrator would had remained silent, he would had been a free man. …show more content…

Loisel tortured herself. She strongly believed she was meant to live a weathier life. Simple things like shabby chairs, ugly curtains, and barren walls bothered her, but other women of her ranking weren't even concious of those things. Mme. Loisel was motivated-the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way- by embarrassment and denial. She was too proud to go to her rich friend, who allowed her to borrow the necklace, and admit she lost it. That would also require her to admit to herself that she wasn't wealthy to own such a jewel.
"The Enchanted Garden" was enchanted in many ways, the first being the way the children entered the garden. All they had to do was go through a hole in a hedge. The garden was beautiful and complex. Winding gravel paths, large eucalyptus trees, rows of flowers, fountains, a swimming pool, a Ping-Pong table, and a beautiful villa filled the garden, yet it apperared that no one was there to maintain it. It was beautiful and vast, yet erriely empty. Servants served food at the sound of a gong, and the feeling that the children didn't belong or deserve to be there wouldn't leave

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