
The Book of Exodus Essay

Decent Essays

The book of Exodus is the second book of the Pentateuch, or Weelleh Shemoth according to the Hebrew Bible. The books main theme is the removal of Hebrew people from Egypt. The book is meant to be a continuation of Genesis. Moses is believed to be the author of this book. During the period of Exodus Israel had been in Egypt for about 215 years. The book begins with the birth of Moses. The book then goes on to talk about the life of Moses and the things that he did throughout his life. The book also explains how the Hebrews were enslaved and then let free. The book is divided into five sections. The first sections deals with the early life and training of Moses. The second section explains the ten plagues. The third section …show more content…

According to my knowledge it seemed that God had great trust in Moses. He trusts him to lead his people out of the hands of the Pharaoh. In Chapter 20, of the book of Exodus, the trust that God has in Moses can be clearly demonstrated as God tells Moses to deliver his laws that he had made for his people to follow. According to the novel The Story of the Old Testament these laws were to be obeyed to be one with God. These laws were called the Ten Commandments and they were the basic guidelines that the people had to follow. Furthermore, the laws of the Ten Commandments were as follows. The first law stated that there should be no other gods before God. The next law was there should be no graven images. The penalty for breaking this law was that God would punish the children for the sins of their sins for many generations that follow. The following law explained that no one should use the Lords name in vain. The next law states that one should remember the Sabbath and keep its holy, which meant that one can have six days of wok but they have to take one day off and dedicate it to praising the Lord. The next law explained that one must honor their mother and father in order to obtain longevity in life. The following laws stated that one should not kill, commit adultery, or steal. The next law explained that you should not bear false witness

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