
The Book of Stories by Kristin Kladstrup

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The Book of Story Beginnings Book Report In The Book of Stories Beginnings by Kristin Kladstrup, Lucy Martin found her great-uncle's The Book of Stories Beginning and began writing her own story beginnings in the enchanted journal. She wrote about her father being a great magician. Everything written in the journal came to life. Lucy's father turned himself into a raven using his magic potion and flew across the ocean to a mythical land called Cat'n'berd Island. Lucy Martin and her great-uncle, Oscar Martin, went on a search to find Lucy's lost father and save him from King Bertram. Kristina Kladstrup was born Sioux City, Iowa. When she was a child, she loved reading and writing and she decided that becoming a writer would be her vocation. The house that her mother lived in when she was a child inspired the setting of Kladstrup’s novel. Kladstrup had also written two other children books which are Garden Princess and Le Livre Des Débuts D'histoires. She had co-written two children's books. One is A Night In Santa's Great Big Bag with Tim Jessell and the other is The Gingerbread Pirates with Matt Tavares. I chose The Book of Story Beginnings because a friend recommended it to me. She said it was set in an island far away from Iowa. I enjoy reading about adventures to distant magical lands, so I agreed to read this book. Upon finishing to book, the ending of the book was different from what I had predicted. I thought that after Oscar helped Lucy find her father, Oscar

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