
The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Book Analysis

Decent Essays

Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to live during the Holocaust. In the book, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, a nine year old German boy, Bruno, is living in Germany. His father works for Hitler as a high ranking Nazi. In the beginning of the book, Bruno’s family has to move to Out-with. His father is sent there to run the camp. Jews are captured and sent to this camp. They are starved and killed in Gas chambers. Bruno befriends a Jewish boy his age and then they hang out with eachother almost everyday. It is good that Bruno has a lack of knowledge about the Holocaust because it allows him to bond with Shmuel and he learns that he is not the most important person in the world.

It is good that Bruno had a lack of knowledge because it allowed him to bond with Shmuel. In the beginning, Bruno hated his life at Out-with because he had no fun ever. He wasn’t allowed to explore, but eventually his curiosity took over. While Bruno was exploring, he came upon something just sitting there waiting to be discovered. It was a young boy. He was a Jew. Bruno and the boy, Shmuel, turned out to have the same exact birthday, on the same exact year. Bruno and Shmuel made a friend of eachother and soon enough they couldn’t stop hanging out. Shmuel made Bruno happier living at Out-with because he has someone his age that he can talk to. Shmuel is a Jew, so he lives on the other side of the fence. He isn’t treated equally because he is a Jew. He is starved and

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