
The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas

Decent Essays

Choose two or three themes in the story and explain how these are evidence of the writer’s ability to tell the story from a child’s perspective.

The book The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne, is about two boys, Bruno and Shmuel, who become friends but experience two very different sides to the Holocaust. The author is able to tell the story from a child's perspective through the themes of innocence, naivety and the childlike misunderstanding of tragedy.

Bruno doesn't know or understand the tragedy in which he is living. He misunderstands the significance of who he sees behind the fences of the concentration camp and doesn't understand why the people living behind the fences are wearing ‘pyjamas’. Bruno also, through his naivety …show more content…

Shmuel knew he was at the concentration camp because he was a Jew, he knew that the Germans were doing horrible things to them, but he was unaware of what the Germans were doing to the Jews when they took them away into the gas chambers. Shmuel does however show his innocence when he cannot find his father after he went on a ‘march’ and as a way to make up for telling Lieutenant Kotler he didn't know Shmuel, Bruno decides that he is going to help Shmuel find is father. Once Bruno is on the other side of the fence, Shmuel’s innocence becomes very clear when they are rounded up with a group of other Jews to go into the gas chambers. An example of this is when Bruno asks Shmuel if the marching usually goes on for a long time because he has to go get back home in time for dinner, "I never see the people after they've gone on a march. But I wouldn't imagine it does". Even though Bruno and Shmuel share a birthday, Shmuel is a lot more mature compared to Bruno likely because he has firsthand experience with fear, starvation and violence. Whereas Bruno is ignorant to the devastation happening just down the road from his house, but when it comes to not completely understanding the situation around him, Shmuel shows his innocence just as much as Bruno

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