
The Brewton Berry's Model Of Assimilation

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Assimilation patterns differ in societies that are characterized by paternalistic race relations than in societies characterized by competitive race relations. According to the lectures and readings, assimilation is defined as a process by which minority and majority groups are merged into some total societal unit. There are also three different type of assimilation which are Anglo (or dominant group) conformity, the Melting Pot, and cultural pluralism. Some additional concepts that go along with assimilation are acculturation where the minority adopts the dominant culture, amalgamation the biological blending of the groups, and the transmuting pot where the dominant group selects aspects of minority culture and modifies it to fit the …show more content…

Identificational assimilation is when the minority identifies as part of the majority group, stage 5. Attitude receptional assimilation is the stage where prejudice ends, stage 6. Behavioral receptional assimilation is the stage where discrimination ends, and stage 7. Civic assimilation is the stage where the minority becomes part of the majority, and there is no difference between people.
There are also two types of race relations, paternalistic and competitive. The paternalistic race relations has a relationship to that of a master-servant model, it is seen in preindustrial and agricultural societies. In the paternalistic race relations the dominant group, considers the minority group as inferior, but accepts them in the society as long as they “stay in their place” (specified racial roles). It is a form of caste system characterized by clearly defined and well-understood racial roles. There is also little physical segregation because the contact between the two groups follows set patterns established by the dominant group in which it sends the message that there is an inequality of interaction between the two groups. In the paternalistic system, there is also no major prejudice, elaborate etiquette, the division of labor is low because the dominant group has similar jobs and the minority group works in unskilled and service activities. Although, miscegenation is common and stereotypes stress the perception of the minority as lazy, childlike, fun-loving, and

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