
The Broken Spears Opening Scene

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The opening scene of “The Broken Spears”, directed by Kasey Strout, will set story for the rest of this epic tale. This version has many well-known actors and some footage is of these Mexican cities today. The scene begins with descriptions of the omens through footage of all that is happening from the point of view of Nahualt of Sahagun (played by Steve Buscemi). His side of the story tends to be negative because he is accounting the downfall of his nation. In cohesion, the next story the audience will learn about is of the same omens, but from a different point of view. This time the omens are seen from the eyes of Munoz Camargo (Richard Kiel). Munoz Camargo’s city of Tlaxcala is allies with conquistador Hernán Cortés (Danny Trejo). Cortés

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