
The Brown Burro and Nature Essay

Decent Essays

I breathed a sigh of relief finding everything in our camp as we had left it. Time seemed to have stood still in this part of the world; I felt as though we had been gone for ages when actually it was only three and a half days. I showered Frog with affection, and gave him the last of our cookies and chips. That night, Satan and Puss slept with me in my trailer. Frog kept me awake with his constant stomping and braying. Snow had fallen during our absence. Only patches of thin crust remained at Harry’s camp. The hills beyond were covered with a blanket of mushroom-like beauty glistening in the desert sun, which notwithstanding its angle in the sky, would wreak havoc with the snow before the day was done. I drove up the canyon in my Jeep …show more content…

The two burros stood glaring at one another, and then they pawed the earth, and charged. I heard the sound of the impact and they arced in the air like colliding locomotives, their loud, echoing blasts resounding across the canyons, and they bit at one another in a most vicious manner, which resulted in bloody lacerations about their bodies,––then abruptly they stopped their combat and began grazing; and all was peaceful. The Jennies, close by, some accompanied by nursing yearlings, and older burros, regarded the two battling males with what appeared to me as casual regard; then the black one trotted over to the herd, and mounted one of the Jennies; and the entire herd let out a combined burro chant and charged as one, down the slope in my direction, the coupled pair leading the way! There I stood in awe, camera with telescope lens dangling at my side. I looked around for a route of escape, or some kind of protection, and thought of running to my Jeep, but it was too far away, and the slope was barren of tree or boulder; I was trapped, doomed to be trampled to death by a raging herd of wild burros. Then suddenly, as if on command, the charging herd split and stormed by me in a thundering roar of dust and dirt, and disappeared down a draw; and all was silent as though they had not been there, and what I had experienced but a dream. I sat down on the ground, buried my head in my arms. An overwhelming sensation of fear gripped me and I

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