
The Bubonic Plague: A Deadly Pandemic

Satisfactory Essays

The Black Plague also known as the Bubonic Plague is a deadly pandemic that began in China nobody knows how that went to Europe in 1347. People blamed the jews and lepers but it spread due to Mongolian Biological warfare, fleas on rats the yersinia pestis, bacteria, and spread rapidly at 5 kilometers a day killing ⅔ of the European population in only 5 years. Some of the symptoms were black tongue, swollen lymphnodes, rose colored open skin sores all over the body, and it caused a really bad smell, if somebody in your family had it was only a matter of time until you got it. Back then and still today the Black Plague is incurable and to help with how bad it smelled with the disease and all the dead bodies people wore masks with herbs or just

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