
The Burdens of Illegal Immigrants and Illegal Immigration Essays

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The Burdens of Illegal Immigrants and Illegal Immigration

The United States was formed by the immigration of many people from all over the world. Americans take pride in knowing that we are a people of vast ethnic backgrounds and culture. However, at the present time, the flow of illegal immigration, as well as a large influx of other legal immigrants is placing a strain on our land of "huddled masses." Legal immigration to the United States can easily be handled and is welcomed by most Americans. However, the flow of illegal immigrants, especially from Mexico, must be stemmed, due to the strain it is placing on the government, (at the local, state and federal level), as well as the general population. Illegal immigrants are …show more content…

By taking jobs, illegal immigrants are placing a strain on the unemployment benefits which non-working Americans would not have to collect if there were more jobs. Another fact to consider, by taking the money illegal immigrants earn back to their own country, they cause a reduction of secondary profit. This means that money earned will be spent on products outside the United States, thereby decreasing tax profits for the government. One thing is clear, the United States cannot afford this influx of low-skilled, low paid people if it wants to remain a welfare state.

The U.S. government depends on taxpayers' money to support its programs. These programs include welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, and food stamps, as well as law enforcement. With the influx of illegal immigrants into the United States, all of these programs are facing problems. An estimated 13% of all funding to these government programs is used to support illegal immigrants (National Review 12.13.93) In addition to these previous figures, add the cost of the salaries of the more than 4,000 patrolmen used to guard the 7,582 mile border between the U.S. to the North and Mexico to the South (Fortune 9.9.93). Other expenses include a one billion dollar immigration budget for the next fiscal year (AP 3.3.95). By looking at these and other facts, it is obvious there is a large monetary burden being placed on the U.S. taxpayer. The stress created by this economic burden along with other job related stresses

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