
The Burial Of Count Orgaz Essay

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The artwork “The Burial of Count Orgaz” painted by El Greco in 1586 for the church of Santo Tome in Toledo. El Greco was the Greek-born, he combined Byzantine style, Italian Mannerism. His intense emotional content captured the fervor of Spanish Catholicism, and his dramatic use of light foreshadowed the Baroque style. The painting is clearly divided into two parts: heaven and moral, buried the following scenario. Weird hovering in the sky above the clouds of ice and slender phantomlike saints and angles in El Greco’s typical Mannerist style. Below the ground scene is painted in the normal proportions. Because of this painting is lack of ground, the point of view of the horizon, it implements the supernatural space and create a …show more content…

This is different from the heavenly realm, cloud arc up to create movement and flux. These clouds and the way that El Greco to use them to define the cluster of figures at different height, help to remove the heavenly realm from reality and provide a kind of movement, the following in contrast with static scene. The artwork “Unique Forms of Continuity in Space” in 1913 (cast 1931), which is made in Bronze. This artwork belongs to Futurism. Futurism is a reaction against traditional Italian culture, celebrated modern life vitality and passion, and interested in speed and technology, interested in political activism and believed that WWI would cleanse Europe of its reliance on the past. Also, fascist. In the face of this sculpture, it is abstracted into a cross, suggest a helmet, an appropriate reference for the war-hungry futurists. The figure seems to have no arms, though seems to have a wing-like forms. However, these protrusions do not need to be a part of the figure itself. The fire-shape of this sculpture that begin to show the air swirling away from the body

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