
The Case Of Griggs V. Duke Power Company

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Student: Dana Holbert


Holbert, D 1

MSOL-5903: Legal Issues in Human Resources Management

Analyze the Impact of Employment and Human Resources Laws Dr. Melody Rawlings


Faculty Use Only

Analyze the Impact of Employment and Human Resources Laws
Dana Holbert
North Central University
July 09, 2017
Authors Note
Dana M. Holbert, Student Studying,
This research is supported by
Northcentral University
MSOL-5903 course
Week 1

In the case of Griggs v. Duke Power Company, 401 U.S. 424 (1971), the company chose to set employment standards in which the …show more content…

The company denied any accusations and the employee stated it was no voluntary and the respondent did, in fact, pursue the supervisor as well. The Court of Appeals overturned that a violation of Title VII may predicate on either of two types of sexual harassment, employment benefits on sexual favors, and a hostile or offensive working environment. As to the bank 's liability, the Court of Appeals held that an employer is liable for sexual harassment by supervisory personnel, whether or not the employer knew or should have known about it. US Supreme Court (1986) In the case of Steelworkers v. Weber, 443 U.S. 193 (1979), the affirmative Action Plan was assigned to the workforce stating that the skilled worker would train to fill the positions of craft workers. In doing so, the production worker felt like the scales were not balanced, and their jobs are given to the black employees.
Kaiser, chose to train in-house workers using 50% of the trainees who were black until the percentage of black skilled craft workers in the plant approximated the percentage of blacks in the local labor force. The hiring process caused an issue among the other skilled workers when they noticed that six blacks hired and only five whites hired. After that, respondent Weber, one of those white production workers, instituted this class action in Federal District Court. Alleging because the affirmative action program had resulted in junior black employees '

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