
The Case of the Missing Report Card

Decent Essays

The Case of the Missing Report Card

I frantically search through my pink and purple Janz Sport backpack while my father stands above me, the grinding of his teeth was able to be heard from three miles away. “I can’t find it”, I said. My mind was racing through ideas of how I can present an official document carefully assessing the most intricate aspects of my behavior, personality, and my intelligence. I was scouting for my fifth grade report. “I don’t think my teacher gave it to us, I don’t have it”, I said with the hopes that he would willingly accept my reason for not giving him my report card. Searching the premise of my bedroom, my father continues his investigation of the missing report card. “We will discuss this later”, he says as he exits the room.

My teacher didn’t actually forget to hand out our reports cards neither did I lose it. I know where it is. It lies in the dark, odor-filled trash can in the main hallway of Emerson Elementary School. I put it there, yes I did it. My mom came home and right away asked “Where did you put it”? I don’t have it, Mrs. M said 5th graders don’t get a final report card” I said. This will work, this makes sense. “Why did Matthew get a report card then”? Shit. I’m in deep shit. I really only knew a handful of swear words in fifth grade, I was finally given the opportunity to use a few. Everything said my mother said after that was a blur, “something liar something ashamed something India”, that’s all I really got from my

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