
The Cask Of Amontillado Analysis

Decent Essays

Edgar Allen Poe is a very popular author because of how different his stories are. The Cask of Amontillado is his last and most well known story. Edgar writes about two people whose names are Fortunato and Montresor. The story basically revolves around Montresor leading Fortunato to his death all because he felt insulted. The story extends for quite a while until the reader realizes what Edgar is trying to say. Why is it that readers still continue to read his story? Edgar has a style of writing that keeps the reader engaged. Edgar uses the themes murder, revenge, and addiction in his story which was different during his time. His style of writing is a big reason to why people love reading his stories. He uses suspense, vivid imagery, and the overall theme of the story makes a person want to keep reading. …show more content…

Edgar does not mention the names of the characters in the story until the middle to keep the reader wanting to read more. When reading the story there is so much confusion in the beginning because it is hard to realize what is happening, but if you keep reading it starts to make sense. In the beginning, Montresor just asks Fortunato to come to his cell to try the wine from his pipe, but it is not until later you realize that it is just a trap. The way the story is set up you do not suspect a murder in the beginning, but once Edgar begins to drop hints that is when it becomes clear. Poe uses suspense till the end when he finally kills Fortunato. This makes the reader keep reading till the end to find out what actually happens to Fortunato. “But to these words I hearkened in vain for a reply. I grew impatient. I called aloud --"Fortunato!" No answer. I called again -- "Fortunato!” (246).“ He makes the reader think about what is happening instead of just straight up telling us. Edgar keeps the reader engaged in the story till the very end by using

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