
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

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J.D Salinger is a very known american writer whose literature became very popular. His books revolved around many ideas such as his view on children. Children in many of his books have an innocence that Salinger grasps onto and makes adults corrupt. Also, he shows how children are teachers to adults but can still be foolish.

Purity in children are expressed throughout many stories by Salinger. In Catcher In the Rye, Holden repeatedly expressed “Did you ask her if she still keeps all her kings in back row?”(42). He kept the idea of purity with jane(the girl he asked about) and only saw her as still a child and not as a teenage girl already having sex. The thought of someone maturing and losing their innocence is portrayed as a bad thing in many stories. For instance, when the words “F*ck You” were written on the walls of Holdens little sister Phoebe school, he instantly assumes someone older snuck in who doesn't belong around children came and did it. In his mind, he doesn't see children writing swear word or having sex; he sees them doing the opposite and trying to ignore them. When dealing with children, adults tend to ignore reality and dumb down to their level and way of thinking. As shown in A Perfect Day for Bananafish by Salinger, Seymour (the adult) meets with a Sybil (young girl) and makes up imaginary creatures such as a Bananafish and they look for it. Also, they talk about things they enjoy, but keeping a sense of humor :
"Do you like wax?" Sybil asked.
"Do I

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