
The Cause And Effects Of Concussions In Sports

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Concussions in sport is becoming more and more common, it can occur in all sports from soccer to American football to body boarding and weather you're playing with your mates at lunchtime or play club or representative sport. Concussions can be caused by a hard blow or lots of shaking to the head, A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury or how doctors refer to it as a TBI it is bleeding to the brain or bruising to the brain. It can occur after an impact to your head or after a whiplash or injuries that causes your head and brain to shake quickly and aggressively . A concussion may also result in you or the person getting concussed to be unconscious. Anyone can become concussed during a fall, car accident, Game of a type of sport Concussions are usually not life-threatening, but they can cause serious symptoms that require medical treatment.

Concussions are graded as mild (grade 1), moderate (grade 2), or severe (grade 3) depending on such factors as loss of consciousness, amnesia, and loss of equilibrium. In a grade 1 concussion, symptoms last for less than 15 minutes.
Grade 2 includes the same as grade 1 but the symptoms last longer, and grade 3 was all of them but also vomiting and getting knocked out in the contact. Getting concussed more than 3 times in a year can put you out of all sport/contact sport for a minimum of 1 year until your brain has fully recovered from the damage. In 2012 alone there were 3,800,000 concussions 33% of these concussions happened

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