
The Cause and Effects of Acid Mine Drainage

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The Cause and Effects of Acid Mine Drainage


Imagine going fishing on a cool Autumn day, the trees are all different shades of orange, brown and red and the birds are singing their beautiful songs, but their is a serious problem because when you arrive at the river all plant and animal life are gone. This is by no means a recent phenomenon. This is due to the effects of acid rock drainage (ARD). This is a problem that has been occurring since ancient times, but it was not until the 1800's when fast growing industrialization and heavy mining that it caught a lot of attention. Acid rock drainage is the term used to describe leachate, seepage, or drainage that has been affected by the natural oxidation of sulfur minerals …show more content…

These differences are due to the sources of acid in different ecosystems. A buffer, as we learned in class, "is a compound that tends to maintain the pH of a solution over a narrow range as small amounts of acid or base are added.(Rhankin 1996)" This is also a substance that can also be either an acid or a base. A low pH has a lot of bad effects on the "bicarbonate buffering system."(Kelly 1988) At low pH solutions carbonate and bicarbonate are changed over to carbonic acid and then on to water and carbon dioxide. Because of this water looses its ability to buffer the pH of the water and plants in and around the water that use the bicarbonate in the process of photosynthesis. Another effect of low pH is the increase in the rate of the decomposition of clay minerals and carbonates, releasing toxic metals such as aluminum and silica.
Ironically however, Aluminum silicates can aid in the "buffering" of pH. HEAVY METALS

The presence of high concentrations of heavy metals from acid mine drainage is just as much a threat to the environment as acidity is. When sulfide is oxidized, heavy metal ions are released into the water. "The key concept in this case is the specialization of the metal distinguishes between ‘ filterable' and ‘particulate' fraction of a metal.(Kelly 1988)" Filterable means that particles can be trapped by a filter. The particulate fraction of the metal includes solid minerals, crystals, and metals that set up into

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