
The Causes Of Discontentment In The Vietnam War

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From the time President Truman sent money to help protect Vietnam from communism and created the policy of containment, which meant that the U.S. would try to stop communism from spreading, America was involved in the Vietnam War. However, American boots didn’t touch Vietnam’s soil until Lyndon B. Johnson’s presidency when he was given a blank check by Congress to win the Vietnam War at any cost. As the war progressed, it seemed like neither side was making any strong advancements. At the beginning of the war, around 1965, Americans believed that they would easily conquer the Vietnamese people. Nevertheless, the American people felt increasingly dissatisfied with the Vietnam War and the progress that was being made, or the lack thereof. Events like the Tet Offensive, Walter Cronkite’s message to the people, the My Lai Massacre, and the Kent State Shooting all contributed to this feeling of discontentment rising in the American people. Because the war was at such a stalemate, the Vietcong (Vietnamese soldiers based in North Vietnam) decided to attack U.S. troops when they wouldn’t expect it. They chose January 30th, 1968 because this day was Tet, the Vietnamese New Year holiday. These attacks were later called the Tet Offensive due to the date that they occurred. The Vietcong surprised U.S. troops in the early morning by sending a series of attacks and bombing military camps, cities, and even towns and villages. Notwithstanding the fact that the Vietcong eventually

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