
The Causes Of The Catholic Church During The Middle Ages

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The main concerns of during the Middle Ages were religion, God, and the Church. From 476 AD all the way to the 1400s, life was all about making it to the afterlife, and surviving the Black Death. Europe’s world revolved around the Catholic Church, but all it took was one era to alter it all, the Renaissance. The Church was slowly losing their power, and the people began to realize all of their abilities. Artists, such as Michelangelo began to focus in on the greatness of man, and all the beauty they held. Mankind's view of the human race was forever changed. Due to these immense changes, the Church began to have less influence on man’s life, and the strengths and abilities of man became more recognizable, bringing secularism and individualism to life.
How did it all start? The printing press. Invented by Johannes Gutenberg, this machine made monumental modifications. The printing press allowed for books to be printed at a more proficient, cheap rate, which meant more people had access to buying them, especially the Bible. When people were able to read the Bible for themselves, they began to realize that what the church was teaching them, was quite different from what the Bible said. Because of this, people began to question the church, leading to less influence from them. Education and logic soon had little impact from the church. Originally, everyone lived off of what the Catholic Church told them, but during the Renaissance they began to rely on science. The transition

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