
Individualism In The Renaissance

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During the shift from the middle ages into the Renaissance period new conceptions of the individual and the human mind quickly came to light. Although art in the Middle Ages was centered predominantly on religion and faith, the incoming art of the Renaissance underwent a drastic change. A vast amount of these changes mainly focused on individualism, secularism, and humanism. Following the collapse of the feudal system, thoughts of individualism quickly rose when people realized that they didn’t have to adhere to a specific group.Throughout the beginning of the Renaissance, religious figures and the Catholic Church began to lose authority which conducted in new ideas of secularism. Comparably, humanistic art and notions became preeminent when individuals focused on glorifying the human body, learning more about it and inclined more towards realistic art. Individualism in the Renaissance produced many new types of people and new creative pieces. Thoughts of individualism quickly magnified after the feudal systems of the Middle Ages decayed. People didn’t have to stay in specific groups and could branch out and try multiple varying things. The ideas of doing a variety of trying crafts soon became recognized as being a “Renaissance Man”. One prime example of a Renaissance man is Leonardo Da Vinci. He was a painter, sculptor, humanist, philosopher, engineer, inventor and much more. These “Renaissance Men” and preponderance of other creators used individualism to their

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