
The Causes Of The Green War

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into the town. B Company’s mission was to capture the Pontoon bridge between the railroad bridge and the road bridge. Frost continued with A co. to the main road Bridge. He lost radio contact with both his B and C Co’s, but continued with light opposition. At 2000, A Company reached the northern approach to the bridge. At about 2045 hours a platoon from A Co tried to cross the bridge to the southern end and were repulsed by a bunker at the end. A platoon attack was followed by enemy mortar then an attack from the Germans that they defeated. At the end of D Day both 1st and 3rd battalion had failed to reach their objectives because of the Hohenstaufen Division. 2nd battalion had managed to get one company to the road bridge, but the …show more content…

Approximately 2000 meters from the bridge they became intermingled with the German resistance. During this battle both Urquhart and Lathbury were forced to take cover in one of the houses. Thus, effectively taking both the brigade and division commander out of the battle because of being so closely involved with company level action. Thorough the night men of the 1st and 3rd battalions had somehow managed to make it through Harzer’s Hohenstaufen defensive ring in groups of two or three to 2nd Battalion as well as B, and C Co. As a result, 2nd battalion had approximately 600 to 700 men to defend the northern approach to the bridge. They were in a strong position with equal numbers to the SS-Kampfgruppe of the Hohenstaufen division attacking from the north and could hold them off, but not attack and capture the southern approach. It didn’t take long for the Germans to realize that infantry assaults against this entrenched force would fail. They needed artillery and armor to blast the British out of their defensive positions. Then about 0930, 22 vehicles from the 9th SS Reconnaissance battalion returning from Nijmegen tried to cross the bridge and failed. However, with the strong defensive position Frost and his men held they only had enough supplies to last for 48 hours, and would have to start rationing ammo. The situation left most of the 1st Airborne Division in a stalemate while over the

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