
The Cay Selfish Quotes

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In the novel The Cay about WWII, there are many hard things to deal with, one of which is a lost boy who experiences changes through obstacles bigger than most people will ever face. The war scares Phillip’s mother bringing him onto a ship on the way to Maryland, but as the trip enters day one, the ship is sunk, and Phillip is stranded with Timothy. Phillip and Timothy find an island that helps them survive. In the beginning of The Cay, Phillip is innocent, but through obstacles in the book he becomes afraid, and in the end he grows independent. In the beginning of The Cay, Phillip can be seen as innocent because of how he acts about the Germans and leaving the island. Phillip states, “Then I began to wonder if the Germans would send soldiers too. About nine-thirty I sneaked out of bed, went to the tool house, and took a hatchet out. I put it under the couch. It was the only thing I could think of to use for fighting the Germans” (Taylor 19). This is an important quote because in this quote he takes a shovel worried the German soldiers may come. He also acts very childish by not telling his parents but instead waiting for them to go to sleep and sneaking out to get a shovel. He does not understand war because when the harbor was attacked he was not afraid and did not get why he could not go certain places, such as …show more content…

Phillip says, “After a moment, lying there in darkness, hearing the creak of the raft and feeling its motion, it all hit me. I was blind and we were lost at sea. I began to crawl, screaming for my mother and father” (Taylor 46). This quote shows how he is scared by showing that he screams for his mother and father. Phillip has developed from an innocent boy to a scared one. The rising action is full of obstacles such as Phillip turning blind and being lost and isolated at sea which turns him into a scared

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