
The Challenges Of Nonverbal Communication In Music Education

Decent Essays

Compared to a culture shock, the language barrier stands as a much brawnier barrier on the pathway to success as a foreigner in France. This poses a specific problem for educators, as their entire purpose is to impart knowledge to pupils, which fundamentally cannot be done without the aid of a language. However, language extends beyond speaking English or French. Given that an educator has a rudimentary knowledge of primary words in French and several words which are specific to the concentration in music, either it instrumental or vocal, success can be achieved, despite the teacher’s being in the early stages of acquiring the spoken language. Dr. Mann, the director of Belmont University’s Women’s Choir begins every class period without speaking a word. Through body language and through choir members’ attention to peers’ responses, the instructions are communicated clearly. Dr. Mr. Entsminger employs this same practice of nonverbal communication in music education. In many people’s lives, it is possible to recall a time when a message was communicated nonverbally. According to a study conducted at Montgomery College, a student’s sensitivity to the content shared by a teacher increased when nonverbal communication was used (Kurkul). People use body language constantly throughout the day, so students’ abilities to understand nonverbal communication is tested in everyday life already. The addition of nonverbal communication in the classroom triggers students to pay more

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