
The Change In Henry Perowne's Saturday

Decent Essays

Everybody has that day, where they think it’s going to be like every other day, but then one single event comes and changes that. That’s what exactly happened Henry Perowne in the book Saturday by Ian McEwan. His Saturday goes from being a normal day, to a day where everything in his life has changed. I myself have had those days where I expect everything to go as usual as it normally does, but end having an day where everything was unexpected. These days that don’t go to plan can affect a person's values and the way a person thinks. In the book Saturday the author shows how someone’s day including mine’s can change in an instant, causing us to think about the world we live, and the people who live in it with us. In the book Saturday, the change in Henry’s Saturday causes him to think very much about the world we live in, and all the problems it’s facing. In the beginning of the book Henry Perowne, a neurosurgeon expects his Saturday off to be like any other Saturday. With the events that happened that day, it causes him question the world we live in. The events that causes him to question the world, is the plane he saw …show more content…

Henry thought he would play a game of squash, and have a nice dinner with his whole family that even, but that turned out not to be the case. At the end Henry even thinks about how the world around him used to be orderly, but as the war and other things occur he realizes that this may not be the only day that is out of the norm. From the events that unfolded that day, Henry’s thinking of everything changed as the day has ended. I know I’ve had some days where my day is just turned upside down, and it’s even changed the way I thought about things. In the end I would say never expect the day to go as expected, because you’ll never know what event could change

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