
The Changing Character Of Nel's Sula

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Changing your character is like changing to a new vehicle, you feel fresh and different l, whether your appearance looks different or your attitude sounds different. Being different is good, but the type of different you are can be evil. Between family, friends, and men, you can cause friendships, relationships, and marriages to fall apart. In a small town known as The Bottom, a young black woman lives wit Nel, her childhood best friend, where they grew up together. Their friendship turns into a different state of mind when Sula betrays Nel’s marriage and their friendship. Losing trust, Nel has no respect from Sula, even after what they have been through. Secondly, Sula does not only disrespect her best friend, but also a mother, a wife, and …show more content…

In this case, the age of the victim did not matter, neither did it depend on who she did not care about. In the events that happened when she was thirteen years old to when she grew up, made her a victim of hatred and disappointment. She killed Chicken Little on accident having a happy memory, but did not care to help the young boy from drowning o mourn from losing the little boy. Instead, she has no guilt or pain whatsoever, no remorse, and no heart. As she watched him drown, she was interested in him feeling pain and watching him suffer from the lack of oxygen. Although she did not personally know the boy, she still felt no pain or sorrow for him. Her mother’s death, and grandmother’s almost death experience was only humor to her darkened soul. She stood there and did not help or even try to help once. Mr. and Mrs. Suggs, the neighbors who partially raised Sula as a younger girl, were the only people who helped Sula’s mother and grandmother. Even though Eva burned plum to death out of love, she tried to rescue Hannah resulting in Hannah’s unforgettable death. On Sula’s front porch, a man named Mr. Finley chokes on a chicken and dying. Once again, Sula watches without helping, and lets him die without sorrow or remorse. The community of The Bottom began hearing of Sula and her actions, repeating Sula does it all. Betraying her best friend and sleeping with Ajax, only makes her an even lower person than she already was. Sula is not a woman, and she does not have a heart for anyone not even herself in the town called The

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