
The Characteristics Of Robert Walton's Frankenstein

Decent Essays

In the first few letters, opening the book, readers are introduced to the writer, Robert Walton, a sailor with hopes of discovery. While addressing his letters to his sister, readers are able to follow Waltons oceanic journey to the Arctic. In his letters he speaks of this journey, what ushers his passion to learn, the story of his upbringing and his desire for a companion. Readers can see that he is not only driven, and curious, but empathetic and lonesome as well.
Upon reading these quotes, it soon becomes clear that Frankenstein has a longing to retain information. He is able to portray this educational longing through phrases such as having an “eager desire to learn,” key word being eager. Frankenstein and I somewhat differ on our attitude towards learning. I wish I was as motivated as he, but I lack the desire that steers him. I do desire education, but just not to the extent that Frankenstein does. Not only does Frankenstein speak of having access to a routine education, such as a school, but he also speaks of his ability to self teach himself. In order to do so, he must have an immense amount of maturity and an ample amount of both independence and self sufficiency. I only wish that I had these characteristics as strong as he.
After hearing about the death of his brother, Victor returns home in hopes of comforting his grieving family members. After traveling someway, he walks through familiar scenery which lies close to his hometown. He takes note of these

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