
The Characters Of Courage In Eva Fogelman's Conscience And Courage

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“To the world, you may be only one person, but to one person, you may be the world” (Unknown), in the eyes of the thirteen individuals that Stefania Podgorska saved from the clutches of the Nazi regime, she meant the world. Stefania, a young Polish national, made a decision at a young age that the comfortable farm life was not the life for her to live. She traveled to a nearby town to visit relatives, after the death of her father. Stefania found the town “quiet and peaceful” (Fogelman 2), and vowed to stay and not return to her old life. In Eva Fogelman’s book, Conscience and Courage, Stefania, a young Polish national, dedicates her teenage years to save Jews during WWII. When presented with the question, which reading had the greatest impact on myself, Stefania’s story immediately came to mind. For an individual to yearn for more than a comfortable life, to then assist those in need, to then risk their personal well-being in order to help save the lives of strangers, speaks volumes about their character. Stefania’s selflessness, courage, and cunning actions not only helped save the lives of those in need but also helped her mature into an extraordinary and thoughtful human being. Stefania’s selflessness is immediately apparent in the beginning of the story, as her actions are not based on reward but purely to ensure the safety of those in need. Not long after Stefania moved to this town she began to notice that “the war had started” (2), and those she loved were forced to move into ghettos. Those who lived in the ghettos were constantly being taken to concentration camps all across eastern Europe to be forced into hard labor or even executed. The son of the owner of the apartment that Stefania had been taking care of, was one of those individuals. He was fortunate enough to escape from the ghetto. Somehow, he found his way back to his old home and “begged to be allowed to stay the night, Stefania agreed instantly” (4). Without hesitation, Stefania harbored her first Jew, and as the weeks passed she started to take in more and more people. Throughout this time Stefania did everything in her power to feed those who she kept hidden. She would “[walk] thirteen miles to a village where she knew she could

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