
The City / Suburban Divide

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Recent events that have highlighted racial tension in the United States have had even a larger number of opinions that vary regarding why the nation continues to struggle with such a challenging issue. In our text Chapter 6 titled “The City/Suburban Divide” (Judd & Swanstrom, 2015, p. 136) identifies a subject that very well may contribute to the tension. A reference to the “urban crisis” describes a landscape that is littered with “high levels of segregation, inequality and poverty, along with racial and ethnic tensions.” (Judd, et al., p. 165) Many scholars argue that the crisis was a result of the demographic changes the nation experienced following World War II as advancements in technology and infrastructure aided White Mobility. The term “White Flight” has been used to describe a massive relocation early in the twentieth century when the White Middle-Class population left the cities for suburban areas following the great migration. Scholars have argued that the resettling was done as whites chose to segregate themselves from urban culture but more importantly minorities. Opponents of the theory believe this is not true as (Howell & Timberlake 2014) explain that “in the late nineteenth century the outskirts of cities had jobs and establishments that catered to the poor and working class thus, Blacks were likely to be suburbanized as well as their White counterpart.”(80) However, due to the urban population decline a negative effect on the tax base created a financial

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