
The Civil Rights Movement : Martin Luther King Jr.

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Continuous cruel, and abusive treatment is familiarized as oppression. An abundance of colored folks encountered oppression in the 1960s and many have resisted from it. One memorable figure that revolutionized equally in the United States is Martin Luther King Jr. King was an activist leader during the Civil Rights Movement who nonviolently protested along with many of his followers, involving civil disobedience, peaceful symbolic protests and economic noncooperation. He used great and powerful speeches regarding racial discrimination and used other ways to fight back against inequality. For instance, King was arrested for nonviolently protesting in Birmingham when the city had a court order forbidding him to do such a thing. There wasn’t …show more content…

All this due to symbolic protesting. They never gave up, they walked about 52 miles and they had themselves their voting rights. By doing more protests similar to the Selma-to-Montgomery Marches, the President would have noticed how segregation was affecting folks and would have been a factor in having the amendments signed earlier, preventing many activists from being assaulted and murdered. But of course, there is a downfall for enforcing more symbolic protesting. Many pro segregation citizens were extremely reckless, they could assault colored folks and not be punished by the authorities who also were pro segregation. The more symbolic protests that the activist could had hosted, the more of a chance that someone would have inevitably been beaten and murdered. Anyways, King and his followers fought for equality and succeeded, it took some time, took some lives eventually including his own, but it definitely changed the world. Many hardware, mechanic, and food businesses were owned by pro segregation owners that rejected service to colored folks. Whereas colored folks had more difficulty receiving service at restaurants. For instance, four freshman college students from North Carolina AT&T College sat in store all day until it closed, waiting to receive a coffee they had order, but they were denied service. This incident ignited many of what they called sit-in-protest, in which many colored folks sat in restaurants that refused to serve them, until they

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