
The Civil Rights Movement: Plessy Vs. Ferguson

Decent Essays

The Civil Rights Movement was a time when blacks were fighting against racial discrimination throughout the United States. The events of the Civil Rights Movement occurs mostly in the 1950s and 60s Homer Plessy made a significant impact on the civil rights movement; because he proved that the separate but equal policy was unjust and unfair. Plessy vs. Ferguson was a case where an African American, Homer Plessy, was arrested for sitting in the white car section on the train. “The case originated in 1892 as a challenge to Louisiana’s Separate Car Act (1890).. [Plessy] purchased a rail ticket for travel within Louisiana and took a seat in a car reserved for white passengers.” (Plessy v. Ferguson) The Separate Car Act was a law that was passed by the states that separated blacks and whites, and meant that blacks had to sit in their assigned cart and the same went for …show more content…

“The law was challenged in the Supreme Court on grounds that it conflicted with the 13th and 14th Amendments...Plessy’s violation of the local law was actually a challenge to..laws separating the races. Following the Civil War, three amendments to the U.S. Constitution,...seemed to promote racial equality.” (Robert McNamara). While the 13th amendment abolished slavery, the 14th amendment included citizenship rights and equal protection of the laws, forbidding states to restrict simple rights of citizens. And the 15th amendment granted black men the right to vote. “The Court endorsed the "separate but equal" doctrine, ignoring the fact that blacks had practically no power to make sure that their "separate" facilities were really "equal" to those of whites. It was not until the 1950s and the 1960s that the Supreme Court began to reverse Plessy... and later cases abolished the separate but equal doctrine in other areas affecting civil rights as well.” (Encyclopedia, Plessy v. Ferguson

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