
The Client, A Hispanic Male, Age 69 Essay

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Assessment The client is a Hispanic Male, age 69, who was born in the Dominican Republic. The client communicates solely in Spanish. He has two daughters who both live in the Bronx. The client suffers from Diabetes, Cholesterol and moderate Dementia. The client has tremors in his hands as a result of brain surgery. The client lives in a rented room in Inwood Heights. Initially, the client 's presenting problem included finding adequate housing however, after completing the intake form I became aware that the client was over income for most housing assistance programs. The reason why the client is seeking housing assistance is because according to the the client “he lives with two other men in a single bedroom apartment”. Furthermore, the client informed me that his roommates work overnight shifts which is when the client sleeps. They sort of rotate their sleeping shifts to accommodate each other. My client describes his housing situation as uncomfortable and stressful. Additionally, when the client and I talked more about the reasons he wanted to find housing it became obvious that the client also wants to feel valued by his children. In other words, the client describes the relationship with his daughters as solely for monetary purposes. My client believes his daughters are distant and do not care about his present living situation although they are the ones who monitor my clients finances and pay for the rented he is living in. My client also mentioned wanting to overcome

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