
The Cold War: The Bay Of Pigs Invasion

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Fidel Castro In the early 1960’s wealthy Americans owned lots of Cuban land and the Cuban leader, Fidel Castro did not like this and tried to end it from happening, this caused the United States to launch the Bay of Pigs Invasion. When the Bay of Pigs Invasion took place Fidel Castro was the leader of Cuba. The Bay of Pigs Invasion also took place during the Cold War. The United States did not like Castro very much, especially because he was communist and at this time the United States hates communism. The Invasion happened because of Fidel Castro’s actions and what he did to Americans. He wasn’t hated by everyone though,”Many Cubans liked Castro’s overthrow in 1959 of Batista”( In addition”As soon as Castro came to power, Castro took steps to reduce American influence on the island”( Furthermore,”The Cuban government of Fidel Castro became increasingly communist in 1961”(World Book). The United States hated communism during the Cold war. During the cold war, Americans owned most of Cuba’s resources and land. Fidel Castro really hated that Americans owned so much land of Cuba and making money off of his country. …show more content…

The Cold War was happening all over the world. Castro got military help from the Soviet Union because they were communist. The Bay of Pigs invasion was when “1,400 man Invasion force would disembark under the cover of darkness and launch a surprise attack”(JFK Library). The attack failed and.”Almost 1,200 men of the 1,400 Cuban exiles surrendered and more than a hundred were killed”(JFK Library). In conclusion, “To make up for a failed Invasion a plan was made to assassinate Castro”(JFK Library). The survivors of the 1,400 Man Group were imprisoned by Cuba. They were traded back to you United States for 53 million dollars of the United States’s baby food and medicine. The Cold War continued to go on until

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