
The Color Of Violence Haunani Trask Analysis

Good Essays

Haunani Trask is an indigenous Hawaiian nationalist and professor of Hawaiian Studies at the University of Hawai’i- Manoa, who is vocal when it comes to social justice. Trask uses writing and her voice to enlighten those who have a misconception of the United States. She defines our country as “ a country created out of genocide and colonialism” (9). She supports her claim by informing us about ill health, militarization, and racism. In order to do so, she uses logos, ethos, pathos, and structures her essay by using cause and effect. Trask also structures her essay by dividing it in three parts. She first prepares the reader, then makes claims that are supported by evidence such as statistics, and lastly she proposes a solution. Her …show more content…

In both Americas combined, in the course of four years an estimated 70 million natives had died by the end of the 19th century (Trask 8). In addition she emphasizes the lack of knowledge that America has on the oppression of the Natives and the severity of this topic by referring to this event as a “holocaust”. Trask, as mentioned, is an indigenous nationalist professor which establishes her credibility regarding the oppression of colored people. As her essay progresses, her tone of voice becomes more aggressive as she uses words such as “terminated, obliterated and bloody extermination” regarding the oppression of colored people. Trask then shocks the reader by using evidence such as statistics to support her claim. One of her first claims she makes is that native Hawaiians suffer health issues such as ill death and early death because of “peaceful violence”. She informs us about infants younger than one whose death rate is more than twice the overall state death rate average (10). She continues to surprise us by informing us about every age group and their death rates (10). She informs us that the death rate doubles if you fall in the category of the ages of one through thirty years of age (10). Even though she uses a lot of logos by using statistics, she also uses pathos by evoking an emotional response from the reader. This shows the impact peaceful violence has

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